Warner, you have always been the gentle visionary whose path encouraged many of us to go forth into informatics in a specifically patient-driven, patient-informed mode.

Early in my career I read a paper called “Patient Computer Dialog” published on June 15, 1972, in the New England Journal of Medicine, by Warner V. Slack and Charles W. Slack. I was impressed not only by the innovation in that paper but also the humanity of putting the needs of patients first. I would later read many more inspiring papers from...

There are few people whom we can say were true pioneers, who established a path or a field of endeavor, blazing a trail that many, many thousands of us have followed. Warner was truly one, and while being sad at his passing, we must honor him and celebrate his life and legacy. Warner was both a giant and a gentle soul, and I will miss him greatly...

Dear Warner, I echo what everyone has said about the importance of the work of the DCI (and its predecessors), led by you and Howard. What you built in the 1970s and 1980s was far ahead of any other hospital information system—and, to my mind, is far ahead of many of the most commercially successful systems of the current day. What is most...

Warner Slack was a very close and good friend. He was one of fewer than 15 full time faculty in medicine assembled by Howard Hiatt at the former Beth Israel Hospital in the late 1960s, and he interviewed me when I was applying to lead the new primary care efforts. Always a twinkle in his eye, ready to argue any point, focused, but also a fine...

Warner Slack was a very close and good friend. He was one of fewer than 15 full time faculty in medicine assembled by Howard Hiatt at the former Beth Israel Hospital in the late 1960s, and he interviewed me when I was applying to lead the new primary care efforts. Always a twinkle in his eye, ready to argue any point, focused, but also a fine...

Warner, When we first met at the BI almost 50 years ago, our friendship was sealed (and has steadily grown from there). You have been a dear friend and colleague from Day 1. One vignette defines who you are as a person. In the early 70's you were selected by Howard Hiatt to Chair the Intern Selection Committee, and you asked me to join the...

Dear Warner, Carolyn and Family, the internet in health care has been a major part of your life and it is this medium that brings us news of your ill health-thanks Charlie Safran. All we know is that you are seriously ill. So, the first message is please recover soon if the illness can be overcome. What is important to say is the despite the...

Warner, Vimla and I are distressed to hear that you are ill and in the hospital. I have many fond memories of our interactions, professional and personal, over the years, and often reminisce about the "good old days" in Boston and at informatics events. We will be thinking of you and hoping that you feel better soon. With great...

Dear Warner, Belated Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day & hope each day brings joy of knowing that you are loved by everybody who have known you! Best wishes to you & Caroline,Sushi

Dear Carolyn and Warner, We are missing you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you everyday. At Sunday brunch, I was looking for Warner’s smiling face. Your presence at the Village offered welcome with medical support and like ‘knit-wits’ gentle gestures of love and concern. With our love, Susan and Dave

Warner, Joanne and I send you and Caroline tons of love from Finland. We met 40 years ago and you both have always been there for us. May you be home and recovering soon. Love, Steve and Joanne

Dear Dr Slack, I’m sorry to hear about your illness. I would like to let you know about the impact you made on my career. We met in the summer of 2012 when I carried out a research project at BIDMC. I was in Boston for just two weeks when you came to me and asked about healthcare in the Netherlands. And somehow we managed to talk for more than...

Dear Warner, Nobody can bring a Slack down. I've sent a bunch of messages to your home over the last few weeks. Jan and I are waiting to see you again. You and I will take a ride in the big blue truck. How about a little Omar Khayyam? Come fill the cup and in the fire of Spring, the winter garment of repentance fling : Time flies and the...

A mighty tree has fallen in the forest. On behalf of the Leeming family, and remembering my father Brian Leeming who worked with Warner for two decades since coming from New Zealand, I extend my sincerest condolences to the Slack family. I was privileged to connect with him a couple of times these last few years, and the extraordinary man my...

Dear Warner, I am among the many who miss your touch of kindness in the Village. My thoughts and love are with you and Carolyn through this difficult time. Shirley

Dear Warner - Our thoughts are with you on this birthday and every day. We miss you very much here at the Village and send our love and lots of hugs to you and Carolyn. Sara & Bob

Hi Warner, Well, after reading all the messages from your many colleagues and friends, I see that you are as close to a rock star as one can get! I have said it all in the poem I wrote to you earlier on and can only repeat those words again. fondly, Ruth

Anybody who has ever met Warner knows his heart. He is the most genuine, unpretentious and kind-hearted person I have ever met. Seeing him and listening to him has always been so inspiring and motivating to me. His deep sense of gratitude for the smallest of things and the warmest greetings no matter how many times you meet him during the day...

Hi Warner, You and Carolyn have been such a visible and valued part of life here at Lasell to an extent that you can't yourself appreciate . I hope you will believe me when I say that I have missed seeing you both in the dining room and on the occasions we were able to share a drink in your home. Since I understand that today is your...

21 years ago, I was a young military doc running the hills in Israel, fascinated with how "computers", as they were known at the time, could change healthcare. I took a 3-day leave from my unit, flew over to Boston (by invitation of Charlie S) and walked into Warner's office (sweaty palms and all) wondering if I was the only...

Warner - Thank you for your lifetime of leadership in shaping the informatics profession and making computing in healthcare a reality. I don't doubt that -- even now -- the experiences you are having as a patient are shaping your thinking about ways to refine the patient and provider experience and optimize care. But I hope you instead...

Warner, We need you. We appreciate all you've done for healthcare informatics. And there is more for you to do. I'm reminded of Wordsworth poem, "London, 1802): Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour: England hath need of thee: she is a fen Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen, Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and...

Dear Warner, I have been thinking of you and Carolyn with much love today...since Carolyn mentioned your birthday. I am sure you are surrounded with love, which I hope gives you strength in this crisis. You and Carolyn are such special, caring wonderful human beings.....I appreciate knowing you. I hope the love that fills this day brings you...

Warner (and Carolyn): I so enjoyed reading through the comments your friends and colleagues have made. I'm not surprised at their portrayal of you as the ideal patient-centered doctor, a born healer whose humanity comes through to all his patients. You have appeared that way to me. I so appreciate the interest you have been taking in my...

I can only add to the many glowing tributes to Warner both as an Informatician, a colleague, and a friend. His warm hearted spirit and wisdom have been a joy to us all. I have known Warner since the mid-1960s, when Jerry Grossman and I visited him at the U of Wisconsin, where he proudly showed us his Linc computer patient history program. I have...

Warner, You have been an inspiration to many, me included. I have so much enjoyed our Thursday lunch discussions over the years and look forward to some more of them. So please get better! Bob Brown

Hello Warner -- So sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. I'm sure your colleagues are missing you greatly. Your leadership in patient empowerment has been such an inspiration to me over the years. I hope you are feeling better soon. Rita Zielstorff

Warner, Best wishes from Salt Lake City. I still remember the days when we were very active in taking new and challenging Clinical Informatics tasks. You, Howard Bleich and Octo Barnett at Harvard were the "thought leaders" and kept people like Homer Warner, Al Pryor, Paul Clayton and I on the right track. Hope you are getting along...

Dear Warner, I'm so sorry you're ill! I remember so many conversations fondly---from the Hawthorne effect, to artificial intelligence (and real stupidity), to the sizes of things and John Tyler Bonner---and look forward to more. Get well soon!

Warner was one of the first people I met when I started at BIDMC. He helped me in so many ways: grants, mentorship, and above all those wonderful conversations: about the sizes of things, healthcare outcomes, and so many fantastic cognitive biases. What a wonderful scientist you were, Warner. What a wonderful human being. Wherever you are now,...

Dear Warner' We wish you a rapid recovery and that your many future birthdays be happier than this one. We look forward to dining with you and Carolyn very soon.

Dear Warner, I am very sorry to learn that you have been hospitalized. It causes me a little sadness that you are going through this. Please stay strong and have a speedy recovery. I am sure you will be out of the hospital very soon and be with us again. Cheer up, take care and take rest. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Best...

A wise and wonderful man, who will live on through those he inspired.

I have fond memories of a letter Warner wrote to me after a talk I gave to Charlie's group.
A generosity of spirit among other greatness. A life well lived.

Sincere condolences to his family.


Dear Warner, Alice and i hope you are having a reasonably enjoyable birthday. We miss you. Although we have known you only a short time, we immediately came to like and estimate you very much. We both think you are one of the most decent and humane people we have ever met. We hope we can be friends yet awhile. P&A

Warner, sorry to hear that you're ill. You have always been one of my great heroes for your early and sustained work on "patient power". I wish you the best, and a speedy recovery and return to active research and enjoyment.

He called Octo, my boss and asked to use some of my code in Paperchase. Realize that at that one literature search engines were not free. He gave me 400 hrs of Paperchase time for my contributions which I cherished. He was always a gentleman and he was always gracious. I remember him showing me around the center at the BI and he was both proud...

Thank you for sharing this sad news, Charlie. What a loss for us all. My sincere condolences to you, his family and all who knew and loved him. Peter

Dear Warner and Carol, I am sorry to hear that you are having this trouble. Please accept my most sincere wishes for a speedy recovery of both body and spirit.

Hi Warner! Happy birthday to a wonderful man and a great husband to Carolyn as I learned in the Rabbi’s class. You brought tears to my eyes when you spoke of your love for your wife. It is so good to know such a special person!

When I think of Warner I think of ...warm welcomes... legitimizing patients as a part of the care team...Carolyn...challenges to always be better...respect...integrity...laughter... friends...generativivity...engagement... &, of course, “the patient is the most under-used resource in health care”. Warner, do not let them under-use you!!!...

You have directly impacted the lives of many hundreds,or is it thousands, and indirectly improved the health care of millions of patients around the world. Having had an all too short time with you andCarolyn at Lasell Village, we wish we had convinced you to come to U F’s medical school in the 60’s. We would have had great fun together.

Cher Warner, you and Caroline are the first Villagers we met when we were visiting Lasell ...you two are one of the reasons we came. You have welcomed not only us, but our family, going to Danielle’s concerts among other things. Through your genuine warmth and caring, you have been our model for how to live in a community, a transformative...

It was my pleasure to meet Warner and Carolyn when I was engaged and then married to one of Warner’s college roommates, Jim Lynn. I know how important that friendship has been to Jim. And I thank you for your many kindnesses toward our daughters, Nina and Nora. We will all miss Warner. We all send our love to Carolyn, Charlie and the rest of...

Dear Warner, I hope your "secret shopper" visit to the hospital is short and helps you to continue your outstanding work of informatics improving the care of patients. Best wishes. Nancy

Dear Warner, Thank you for being the genius who first uncovered the power of how patients relate to computers. The ripples of your pioneering work are still part of the leading edge of patient-centered innovation. You are a scholar of Human Nature and a scholar of Clinical Informatics. What a gift for us all. My best, Nancy

Warner and Caroline -- we can't be with you today in person but in spirit we are indeed with you all the way. Heck of a way to celebrate your birthday anniversary but the love from your family and friends offers some compensation. WARM GOOD WISHES, AND MORE!!

Hi Warner, The hospital is not the greatest place to celebrate your birthday. The best present would be adiagosis and cure. Hope you are on the mend and can have a real celebration back here at the Village!

Warner, You have had such a profound and positive impact on my life. Thank you for offering me my first real job, and thank you for being my second father during my post-college years. I will never forget my first post-college Thanksgiving (way back in 1983!) when you and Carolyn (along with Charlie) were kind enough to include me in your...

Warner, When AHRQ called many experts in informatics together to discuss standards, 1998 I believe, your name was one of the first that we HAD to invite. It was my pleasure to meet you and hear your advice. You and your work continue to be held in the highest esteem. Wishing you the best of health outcomes. Mike

Dear Warner, When you entered the Lasell College and Village family, you added class, intellectual weight, and ultra generous support to our community, its members and to me. Thinking of you and Carolyn often, and wishing you a birthday of peace and comfort. Love, Michael

Dr. Slack (Warner), regret to hear that your Ill and in the hospital. Wish you a speedy recovery as it’s been far to long since we’ve had lunch. Hope you back on you feet again soon. Warmly-Melvyn

I met Warner and Carolyn at Lasell Village some years ago. We always greeted each other warmly in the hall, bemoaning the state of the current world. When Pete Seeger died a few years ago, Warner insisted that we honor Pete by standing in the lobby of the dining room at Lasell, and singing We Shall Overcome. Warner was a mensch and will be...

Dear Warner, There is no word to express my gratitude to consider myself a colleague and a friend of yours. You are one of the few people who have played a big role in my life when I first moved to US, and one of the fewer whose wisdom I still rely upon to guide me till this day. I still remember the days upon starting my career at DCI. I was...

Dear Warner and Carolyn: Don and I have recently spent a month in Sarasota Memorial Hospital and sincerely hope you are receiving the same excellent medical care. I recall fondly our first meeting in Aspen when I heard your presentation on The Automated Patient History. Your warmth and kindness dealing with patients has flavored our friendship...

To Warner and Carolyn----My thoughts are always with you and wish you all the best . the place is not the same without you so hurry up and come back to us at Lasell. I think of you walking together hand in hand and seeming to be so happy. MUch love Mary Black

Dear Warner, We all salute you on your birthday! Warm good wishes and happy thoughts are heading your way from your friends at the Village. Cheers and Hugs, Mary Anne Tuohey

So sorry to hear that you are in the hospital. Your continued devotion to patients, medicine and informatics are an inspiration to all of us. Here is to a speedy recovery.

Sadly, Warner has passed us his torch. Somehow we must carry it. My favorite Warner effort involved him, a Harvard professor, 'walking the walk' by taking the College Board Exams - back in the day, Ca 1980.  (How many of us would do that, or something equivalent, today?)  As I remember, he took exception to one of the vocabulary...

Warner, we met in 2014 as part of the BIRT fellowship. You've been a visionary with always the patient in mind. You are always kind and warm, a truly bright star of positivity. Thank you and wishing you the best on your road to recovery. ....Mark

Dear Warner, I will always treasure our lunches in the old cafeteria when the BI was much smaller and we tried to tackle Nixon and his ilk. Your wisdom, warmth and good humor are irreplaceable. Mark

Dear Dear Warner, I want to send you best wishes for a speedy recovery. You know well how admiring I am you and all you have contributed to our field. For me you are a super star. We need your continuing guidance and advice. Get well soon your friend and admirer, Marion

Warner, Your optimism infused the CCC crew from the original datacenter in the Lawry Building, diesel fuel and all, to the present. Hope you are getting the best support and recover soon. Marilyn

Hi Warner, First let me wish you a Happy (somewhat belated) Birthday. And let me thank you one more time for saving my life. You were the one who caught me when I was falling after passing out, thus preventing me from hitting my head on the floor. I am forever grateful. My thoughts are with you and Carolyn at this time. I’m sorry that I haven’t...

We knew Dr Warner Slack to be such a warm, generoious , kind and loving soul. He and Carolyn opened their home to our family during a very difficult fortnight in our lives. We had taken our son to Boston Children’s Hospital for heart surgery. Coming from Perth Australia, Warner and Carolyn stepped into our lives to give us their support. Our...

Warner: Best wishes for you and Carolyn with the hope of a prompt recovery of your illness. I allways remenber our meetings in Boston and your visit to Rio and I am always thinking of a new one in the future. "Um abraço" from your brazilian friend Lobo

Gregarious, idealistic, forward looking, caring, loving, generous and impactful are a few of the superlatives that come to mind in thinking about Warner. I remember my first Slack sighting at Washington U in St. Louis, when I was a fellow, and the then Chair of Medicine, Dave Kipnis was hosting a recruitment visit for two computer medicine docs...

Vale Warner. I had the pleasure of spending time with you on two occasions only. But both those times I was touched by your generosity, your humbleness, your kindness and your intellect. Thank you for a life well lived and for inspiring us to never stop learning from others.

Although I have only known you a short time, I think about you and Caroline every day when I go into 80 C. Positive wishes are with me all of these times . You have always been so welcoming, supportive and friendly. Reading many of the good wishes on this blog, I only wish that I had known you sooner. Fondly, Louise Freedman

Hi Warner, Happy Birthday and all possible good wishes! You and Carolyn were among the first welcomers when I moved in last fall and among my first friends. I’d hoped to see you before leaving for the summer, sent and continue to send all my best to both of you and your kids (I did meet your daughter) Liz

Addendum Warner, I just read the messages from your alumni and friends- hope you don’t mind. What wonderful tributes and what a great and large effect on so many lives! Bask in them and know you’ve made a very large footprint. Liz

Dear Warner; So sorry to hear you are in the hospital and "on the other side of the fence." Thanks to your cutting edge work over the years, you can hopefully reap the benefit of the electronic medical record system you created to aid in your recovery. I have admired you throughout my entire career at BIDMC and hope to see you in good...

Warner Throughout the years I've known you, you have been such an inspiration to me. My latest grant using patient preferences in healthcare just got funded by the NLM. It focuses on data science as a tool for making care more patient-centered. In particular, the work helps physicians "profile" patients based on patterns in their...

Dear Warner, I want to wish you the very best. I pray for you everyday in hopes that my prayers will do some good. I send my very best to your lovely wife Carolyn and I want you to know that I hope for the best with respect to you everyday. Best regards, Larry

Warner, so sorry to hear that you are in the hospital. I hope you are feeling better soon. Our story started in 1986 when you gave me a chance to work as your assistant. I leaned so much over the 24 years we worked together. Your parience and knowledge truly helped my career. Your sense of humor made coming to work everyday so easy. I enjoy to...

Dear Warner, It has been a great honor and privilege to have worked with you since the earliest days of my career. Little did I know that when, as a new employee, I appropriated an office by putting my name on the door, that I was paying homage to you and the division's rich history! Back then I learned from you that "the quality of...

Warner, You have been a leader of and inspiration to the biomedical informatics community for more than half a century. You have, at every moment, acted as a gentleman and a scholar. Wishing you a speedy return to health, and I hope your doctors have had the good sense to install a LINC nearby to help follow your progress. Fondly, Ken

Warner - Mike and I are thinking of you and Carolyn and sending good wishes your way. Someone recently asked me where I started my career, and it brought me back many years to the old Computer Medicine Laboratory at Beth Israel Hospital. What a wonderful place to have worked, made all the better by your warmth, kindness and commitment to...

Dr. Slack was one of the first individuals I met in the healthcare IT world when I transitioned into the space in 2006. He gave me a copy of Cybermedicine at that meeting, and I still carry the guiding principles from that book into the work we're doing at Kyruus today. His legacy as a true pioneering thought leader will no doubt continue...

As academic physicians we have affected the lives of hundreds of trainees and colleagues as well as thousands of patients. None of us who know Warner well are at all surprised by the huge outpouring of affection and respect for such a superbly gifted physician scientist and committed humanist. After an encounter with him, I am certain many...

Dear Warner In my more than 50 years at the BI I have met many great original thinkers, many great physicians and many great scientists -- as well as a few, like you, that were outstanding in all three. I have benefited from your friendship and still remember some of our non medical discussions (e.g. the poor performance of the SAT as opposed...

Warner, you are such a gentle, dignified, warm human being who has made me feel welcome every time we've passed.We all love you and send the warmest, good wishes. Judy Goldner

A wonderful man who helped me, and so many others, to get started in the informatics world. He lives on through many technical advances and personal inspirations.

Sharon and I were upset to hear you are now the subject of CCC data. We will try to rendevous with you when you are feeling up for a visit. You know our hearts are with you all the way in your recovery. With love, Sharon and Jonathan Kleefield

Warner, I’m so sorry to hear you’re in the hospital. It has been such a joy to learn from you about the early days of informatics. Your thoughtful, and at times delightfully humorous, approach to user centered design serves as an example for us all. Wishing you all the best, Jonathan

With deepest gratitude for your pioneering research and advancements in medical informatics, sending you our best wishes for your recovery from your colleagues over at Tufts Medical Center.

Linda and I are forever thankful to count you and Carolyn as friends. We will “hold you in the light” in the spirit of the Quaker greeting. Thank you for being my teacher. You are an exemplar of Plutarch’s adage that “Teaching is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

Dear Warner, We just learned it's your birthday and so here we are to add to your best wishes on your very special day! We'd like to bring you a beautiful cake and a birthday bouquet of spring flowers,but words will have to do. We also re sending our love and support to a very special couple and our dear friends. Jane and Jim

Hi, Warner.... We both have birthdays coming up in the next week or so, and in our ninth decade we can't expect them to be the best ever for either of us. I can't tell you how sorry I am that you've had to endure so many trials in the past few months. What I can tell you, though, is that the best break of my eighty-some years was...

- Jim

Words can never adequately express how incredibly fortunate we were to have Warner in our lives. How thankful that his wonderful family shared him with all of us. His compassion, kindness, and sense of humanity are what we think of most and very often. Many will write about all his legendary professional accomplishments and true brilliance as a...

Hi Warner, It is such a pleasure to know you. You are a good role model for showing respect to all the residents of Lasell Village. Love Jean and Peter

Warner, I met Charlie Safran in 1990, and through working as a data gatherer and entry clerk I was eventually posted as a research assistant and project coordinator at the CCC. Working with you was an experience that brought together so many disparate parts of my experience while also springing me into new possibilities. I always appreciated...

Warner, we are all thinking about you and wishing you WEll. Please do come back to us sooñ, And HAPPY BIRTHDAY these are a few villagers singing Jane Hyman

Dear Warner, I'm sorry to hear you are in the hospital but hope you are recovering and will return to work soon. The halls of BIDMC -- not to mention the world of informatics -- are not the same without you! Sending best wishes, Jan Walker

Dear Warner, we have been thinking and talking, most lovingly, about you for many days now. We wish we could give you the gift of health but are powerless. Please accept our love and deep appreciation

Dear Warner, Godspeed. You have been a great inspiration to me and countless others at various points in their careers. What I have learned from being around you for relatively brief moments speaks volumes about what a leader you are in your field. Thank you for your wisdom, collegiality and support. Sincerely, Humoud

Warner you made me understand the word colleague, and the words "patient care". Those three words have followed me through the years,( wish others remembered), May I offer you my Thanks for your sage advice? OH and I forgot to thank you for the night you spent up with me getting the "D..m Phone book "Go Live"",...

Recruiting Warner from the U of Wisconsin Hospital was among my most important achievements as Chairman of the Dept of Medicine at Beth Israel Hospital. He, of course, organized and directed our program in statistics and medicine and developed the use of computers for our department, resulting in an approach adopted by at least one other...

Warner, We first met in 1976 when I came to the lab to interview for a programming position. I had just read an article in Psychology Today regarding experiments with computer assisted soliloquy conducted by you and your brother. I was intrigued by the article and was delighted when you hired me. Thus began forty years working together and with...

Hello Warner: Great idea to provide this type of communication! I think of you often and miss your presence here. I wish the best for you and your family. I do hope to see back here - certainly sooner than the start of the rabbi's class in August Herman

Dear Professor, I send you my affection and gratitude, wishing you a fast recovery! You have been an unique mentor and inspiration - an example of wisdom and kindness. I am grateful for the welcoming and the moments I had the privilege to chat with you during my fellowship at DCI.

- Heimar

Warner, Hi. I've always appreciated the genuine interest and warmth you have shown towards me whenever we have bumped into each other at AMIA, in Boston or wherever. I hope some of that good feeling you have given me comes back to you at this tough time. And thanks too for all the inspiration you have given to me and many, many others as...

I remember Warner being annoyed with some paper we had written in the late 80s or early 90s (I don’t remember why now), and I was about to meet him in person and had my misgivings. What a warm reception I got from him, and what a warn reception I got every year I saw him at AMIA or elsewhere. He ended up certainly being one of my mentors on...

I remember Warner being annoyed with some paper we had written in the late 80s or early 90s (I don't remember why now), and I was about to meet him in person and had my misgivings. What a warm reception I got from him, and what a warn reception I got every year I saw him at AMIA or elsewhere. He ended up certainly being one of my mentors on...

Warner, Sorry to hear about your illness. It has truly been an honor to work with you and what a wonderful way to start my career in informatics is to learn from the man who helped start it all. I’m grateful for your help and advice during my training and am humbled to have my name alongside yours on the paper we just published. Get well soon...

Dear Warner: No words can describe your generosity to guide and mentor students interested in informatics. Your dedication to helping others appreciate patients’ empowerment with true technology is a guiding light for all of us who dedicate our lives to Medical Informatics. Please get well and continue guiding us. FNR

Dear Warner, I am very sorry to hear about your illness. I have the best memories of my time as a fellow at the Division of Clinical Informatics, always receiving great advice and feedback from you. I will never forget your help with my PhD research and my immigration process. I hope you get better before I finish writing this message! Federico...

Dear Warner, It has been such an unexpected gift to Leo and me to have you as our neighbor for the last four years. When we've had a problem you've been a steadfast counselor. And we've shared many good times with you and Caroline at lunches and dinners. Wethink of you with much love.

Dear Warner As a young doctor who had embarked on an informatics doctorate in the 1980's, your work was for me a rare beacon in what often felt like an otherwise solitary and futile mission. It is only because we could stand on your shoulders, that many of us got started and together helped to create the digital world we find ourselves in...

Dear Warner, We wish you a Happy Birthday. We are not among your old dear friends and colleagues, but we count ourselves so fortunate to know you and Carolyn since we came to Lasell. To celebrate your birthday we are sending you a favorite poem. The Monks of Clonmacnoise Seamus Heaney The annals say: when the monks of Clonmacnoise Were all at...

Warner, So sorry to hear you're in the hospital. I along with a lot of others appreciate the opportunity you and Howard gave me working in CCC and starting my IS career some 37 years ago. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Ellen

I know you a very small percentage of my life. As soon as I met you I saw a human being iwho is smart, open, sincere , curious, and here. I admired your relationship with Caroline. I wish you health, peace and love and regret that I have known you both for such a short time in my life... Much love and peace...Ellen

- Ellen

Sorry I missed sending greetings on your birthday yesterday - but I think of you every day and say a prayer that you (and Carolyn) will know that you are never alone. With gratitude and thanks for all you have done to help me (and probably every one else at Lasell Village)! You are the best! LIs

I moved to Lasell Village 1 year ago knowing no-one but immediately I was warmly welcomed into the community. Warner, you were one of the ones who welcomed me. Your smiles and greetings, your conversation at the dinner table and in the halls meant an enormous amount to me. I know that you and Carolyn are struggling now I hope that your doctors...

When I met Warner a few days into starting with DCI in 2008, he had his close friend and colleague Dr Howard Bleich seated near him in our old offices at the Feldberg building. He and Howard were kind and cordial — and welcoming, of course. It was a little later that day that Warner, introduced to me as a renowned physician, scientist and...

- Eli K.

Dear,dear Warner, I think of you daily and rejoice with any sign of improvement which we pass on to each other . I'm happy that you now are able to stay in your own room with your family. How great it would be to have you back soon. Carolyn is swamped with endearment from all of us. With love, Elena

Hi, Warner, Emily has sent you a lovely poem, and it's from both of us. But I want to say directly that you are a marvelously warm and friendly person and that you went out of your way to welcome us when we arrived as newbies last fall. I feel lucky to have met you and to at least begin to know you. Thanks for all this. Ed

Hey Warner! I know a few hundred people who would like to celebrate your birthday with you and Carolyn! I am surely one of that pack. Thinking of you and missing the pleasure of your and Carolyn's incomparable company. Off to Knit Wits! Fondly,

Warner was a pioneer in our field but also a person of integrity. He helped those who sought his help.
 He and Caroline and Mary and I were friends at P&S before he wandered West.

The LINC got to Wisconsin because NIH provided it and also training for the WU physiologist who brought it West. He too was a grand person who welcomed Warner and...

Dear Warner and Carolyn: I'm very sorry to hear you are hospitalized. Your presence will light up the day for all those around you. I hope the mecicals will help you in whichever ways are feasible. Mary and I are somewhat stuck in a similar situation. I'm awaiting a "next" small surgery, but plan to return to Washington in...

Dear Warner: Sick is one thing but 'hospital sick' is yet another as I discovered last year. Very sorry to hear this news and I wish you a speedy and full recovery. Cordially, Don

Hi, Warner! I hope you are better soon! Note that you are a burden on the health system and it would be socially responsible for you to get well very soon. Also, we want to make sure there is no Slack in the system! It's already pretty loose already. Some have said the 'system' is like a helicopter, a bunch of spare parts flying...

Dear Warner, I'm so sorry to hear that you're in the hospital. I would guess that many wouldn't know that the scope of your influence includes the sickest and smallest of BIH/BIDMC patients: NICU babies. Your promotion and tools to provide family education and support have had a foundational effect on our program. I hope that you...

Warner, from our very first introduction more than 22 years ago I was in awe of the gentleman you are. Always kind, supportive and a willing teacher and mentor. As the very first nurse in your clinical informatics fellowship program you welcomed me with open arms had a profound influence on my career. Along with so many things, you taught me...

Warner, I’ll never forget the time Joan Ash and I had the opportunity to interview you and Howard. It was so great to hear all the old stories and get to know you both in some small way. It always makes my day to run into you at AMIA or the ACMI dinner. Best wishes to you, Dean

Warner -- I had my preceptees over for dinner Wednesday night, and one of them asked how the Division of Clinical Computing got started, so I got to tell your story of the handwritten sign in the hallway (though not nearly as well as you tell it) and the lessons that it teaches about how to accomplish things! I'll get back in to see you...

Warner I will always think of you as the anti traditional traditionalist.You epitomize the traditional values of family, justice, loyalty...and yet you easily saw through the hypocracy in academia and educational testing. Our friendship over the last 50 years has been one of the truly bright spots in my life. I know we will see each other again...

Dear Warner: Like others, I honor your brilliant contributions in the domain of work. But it is your genuine goodness that I admire much more. I first felt that in 1982, when i was moving to Boston with the thought (unfortunately, never fully realized) that I might work with you and Howard. We hadn't yet rented an apartment, and were...

Warner—very sorry to hear you are ill! You are one of my heroes, especially around your work re getting patients more engaged. Hoping you are better soon—David Bated

Warner, you are our very dear and valued next-door neighbor, and we miss you mightily. We have been warmed by your bright smile and welcoming greeting almost every day since we moved to Lasell Village. You are also our favorite Renaissance man. Physician, techie, film buff and repository of vast general knowledge, there's no one like you....

A friend posted on Facebook a screen capture of Beth Israel Deaconess dept of medicine chair Mark Zeidel's column . I hope this link will show it for everyone. (Ideally someone can link to the original, or paste in the full text.)...

You are DA MAN! I've quoted you in speeches hundreds of times around the world, so please know that your wisdom is known far beyond the reach of your personal presence. You are often cited in discussions in the Society for Participatory Medicine, including its blog, e-patients.net. My personal favorite is History lesson! “LINC with...

Dr. W. Slack, whom I have known since 1971 is still a treasure to me. He was totally appreciative of my administrative support of the house staff program His concern for the house staff was evident in his interactions with them . He had excellent rapport with members and staff of his division .( Only yesterday, I was telling my 14 y.o. grandson...

Warner, You have always been so friendly, kind, and quick to offer help. I especially remember when you introduced yourself on my first day at DCI, how welcoming, personable and humble you were despite the stature and reputation that preceded you. These past two years, I've been in awe of the number of students and visitors who you have...

Dr. Slack, get well soon. I will never forget your precious gift of your signed book, Cybermedicine and how generous and welcoming you were. I will always refer what you keep teaching us "patients are the least utilized resource in healthcare". Please get better soon ... All the way from sunny Kuwait!!

Hi Warner: Birthday Greetings from another of your friends at Lasell Village. Best wishes on your struggle to return to good health. We love you and are rooting for you. All the best...Dan

Warner, sorry to hear you're in the hospital! You are one the original "Cybermedicine" leaders, serving as inspiration to all and giving us guidance as our field was born. I still treasure my signed copy of the book! Best wishes always, Dan

Hello Warner, You need to know that knowing you has been one of the great pleasures of living here at Lasell Village. Your positive outlook on all kinds of things, your broad range of interests, including folk songs (remember the tribute to Pete Seeger), your and Caroline's kindnesses to so many residents, have all contributed so much to...

Hi Warner, I am sorry to learn that you are ill. My memories of our lunches and discussions together are a treasure. Your contributions to the BI are a great legacy. You brought the first African-american housestaff to the BI. and you were the first to tell me about this guy named Obama. I certainly hope you recover soon. My best wishes Best...

Warner you have been a dear friend for decades. The path you followed influenced mine at many crucial turns. You may or may not have known that Robert Schilling invited me to be staff at U of Wisconsin (Madison) to fill your big shoes. Because I had not finished my residency he agreed to let me finish it at U of Wisonsin.. There I met John...

Hi Warner, I was so glad to sit next to you during an AMIA conference and to hear your insights about empowering patients. I hope you get better soon! Best wishes, Chunhua

I first met Professor Slack during a clinical computing practicum for GHHP 50: The Quality of Health Care in America, a Harvard College class he had previously taught and for which he was a continued guest lecturer, supporter, and friend. He later became my long-term advisor for independent research in health policy and for my Cordeiro...

I first met Warner in 1976. At the time, he and Howard Bleich were starting to computerize the Beth Israel Hospital. He was kind and welcoming. Several years later during my residency, he and Howard published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine on PaperChase, a program to search the Biomedial literature. It was about time for me...

My wife Sue and I have been your patients often over the years! Result: the best treatment in the world of medicine. I trust Clinical Infomatics will live forever.

Yesterday on my way to a rainy early afternoon movie “Won’t you be my neighbor?" I got a call I had been expecting but didn’t want. The caller ID said Warner Slack, and while it was possible he would be calling, I heard the voice of Charlie Slack. After writing a few emails, Donna and I went to the movie about Fred Rogers. I cried out loud...

Dear Warner, I am so sorry to hear that you are ill and in the hospital. I have so many memories of "growing up" during our CCC days. My first time meeting you, of course, was the day you came and lectured to my Computer Science class at Brandeis in 1976, telling us all about Converse and demonstrating the UTI interview. Little did I...

Warner and I are overwhelmed with the Wonderful messages from all of you. Reading them to him has been a joyous part of each day. Warner has loved his time with each of you and thanks you Deeply for being such a special part of his life. Warm wishes to all of you and much gratitude from me, Warner’s wife of 62 amazing years. Carolyn

Dear Warner and Carolyn, I think of you both every day and send heartfelt wishes for your recovery. I miss seeing you walking hand in hand down the linkway; miss your smiles; miss your kindness to all. With all love, Carol

Hi Warner, Been thinking of you and sending love and prayers. May your birthday be as special as you are. Please remember that you are loved more than ever. Take care. Carla

Dear Warner, You have been a rock for my Dad and my family. You and Carolyn have always been so warm, welcoming, and loving. Thank you. I will see you soon.

Dear Warner, I can only add to the many glowing tributes to you both as an Informatician,, a colleague, and a friend. Your warm hearted spirit and wisdom are a joy to us all. I have known you since the mid-1960s, when I visited you in Wisconsin, and have followed all your pioneering achievement since then. I wish you all the best during your...

Sending all best wishes and hopes to an incredible doctor, teacher, scientist, innovator, inventor, river rafter and friend. Love, Bob and Stella

You've come a long way from: Effect of size and number of brain cells on learning in larvae of the salamander, Triturus viridescens. Science 1955 Oct 14; 122(3172):692-3. PMID: 13255909. I do miss working with you and Howard. Good things happened on your watch. Thanks! Bob

- Bob

Dear Warner - Godspeed and I hope this little bump is nothing more than a hiccup along your path. Thank you for your forever friendship and collegiality as another Montclair boy in the field. You have inspired me and many others along the way. Looking forward to the next rendezvous. Best, B

Warner is one of my heroes, a pioneer in informatics in its earliest years. Moreover, he's a gentle, wonderful human being that I feel fortunate to come to know a bit in the past several years.

Warner: If I were back at my old haunts in schools of management, teaching "newbies," writing text about the art, and cajoling faculty to do a better job, all the raw material I need could come from examples and tributes in this blog -- boldness about needs and possibilities for change, creativity and energy to move things along, but...

On June 15th. the University of Chicago -- one of our most selective, prestigious universities -- announced it would no longer require SAT scores with an application for admission. "SAT or ACT optional" a decade's long campaign for Warner and many others. Bill Hiss, perhaps the national leader from admissions experience and...

Dear Warner, I was so sorry to hear that you are ill and in the hospital. I hope for the best possible outcome. Your focus on the patient has been an inspiration to many. I cannot count the number of times I have referred people to your early work on patients' providing personal information via computer -- when yet another individual asked...

Warner, you and Carolyn are in my thoughts daily.. You have set another example of warmth and friendship that is as important here at Lasell Village as you have in the medical world. We are fortunate to have you both here.

I'm so sad to learn of Warner's passing. He was so kind and helpful to me as he guided me in my research. Warner cared deeply for people and his professional career centered around using informatics to improve people's lives. I will try to follow his lead in my own career, and I will continue to share his legacy with future...

On behalf of the BRazilian Health Informatics Association we'd like to express our sentiments to the family of Dr. Warner Slack. The international health informatics community will certainly miss him!! May he rest in peace.

Warner, The world is filled with dedicated health care IT professionals, you have taught, guided, and inspired. As we are perched on the precipice of HIT truly changing the way all the world delivers care, we need your knowledge, kindness, and inspiration more than ever. There are so many who have never met you yet know your name and speak it...

Dear Warner, I hear today is your birthday and though it may not be the best one you ever had, I hope you will find some joy in the many thoughts and wishes that come your way from Lasell Village, including my most heartfelt wishes for your recovery. You and Carolyn are kind and hospitable and it was always fun to sit with you in the Cafe and...

Dear Warner, We miss you at DCI. My daughter has found memories of her chats with you. She recently said that you are her favorite doctor and she remembers you saying that she is your favorite architect. Warm regards, Ava

Dear Warner Frankly, it has been quite an honor and pleasure to have known you. Your visionary outlook and graceful embodiment of what Dr. Osler had called "Aequanimiltas" are just as inspiring as your accomplishments and pioneering work. You have been, without any question, the role models' role model. Wishing you full recovery...

Dear Warner, If your birthday cake on June 10th has a candle for every friend and colleague who has come under your spell of kindness and generosity, then there will be a three alarm fire! We want you and your beloved hospital to remain standing; so instead of creating a blaze, may you light one candle, gaze into its flame, and imagine that you...

Dear Warner, I am so happy to be able to write to you. That I miss you is an understatement. I clearly recall your closing words after our first dinner together and many others---"to be continued" I thought they we very special. I have tried to keep up to date on your progress and think of you every day. Our talks about the...

Hi. Warner, Thinking of you and wishing you improved health and a gradual return to your usual functioning. I miss not seeing you around and not having the opportunity to chat. So, get well soon Warmly, Alan

Dear Warner, It's been an honor to have had the opportunity to work with you and to be mentored by you. Lessons I have learned from you on patient empowerment, and the need for computer/ technology to be helpful for patients and clinicians alike are principles I will carry with me throughout my professional career. Your kindness, open...

Dear Warner, I'm wishing you well! Thanks for your kindness to me, and your encouragement. Every time I see you, you have a smile on your face, and a kind word. One of the highlights of my professional career thus was getting to write a paper with you, and I'm proud that it just came out in JAMIA! Sending you all my best for a speedy...

About Warner

Warner Vincent Slack, M.D. was a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, a member of the Division of Clinical Informatics, Department of Medicine, and Department of Psychiatry at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. For over 50 years, Dr. Slack has conducted pioneering research on the use of computers in the medical world. His goal was to empower both doctors and patients by improving the communication between them with patient-computer interviews, computer health care records, and computer search engines for medical journals.

Read this Harvard Medical School Memorial Minute.