Warner, When we first met at the BI almost 50 years ago, our friendship was sealed (and has steadily grown from there). You have been a dear friend and colleague from Day 1. One vignette defines who you are as a person. In the early 70's you were selected by Howard Hiatt to Chair the Intern Selection Committee, and you asked me to join the committee. In your role I quickly understood your commitment to equality and equal opportunity -- you wore your compassion on your sleeve. You rightfully noted that one of our missions is to provide training for all individuals who would benefit from a BI training and exposure to our inclusive hospital environment. You led the charge to recruit minority and disadvantaged applicants, setting a moral compass for all to follow. Your success in achieving this goal was noted by all -- as our minority house staff grew and flourished here. ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR LEADERSHIP. You lifted all of us to a higher level, always employing the Marine mantra of "follow me". And follow you we did. As is typical of you, you were a man ahead of his time. You led the charge that the BI would be a warm community for all. I tip my head and my heart to a cherished friend. Thank you be being a leading light for me.
Warner, When we first met at the BI almost 50 years ago, our friendship was sealed (and has steadily grown from there). You have been a dear friend and colleague from Day 1. One vignette defines who you are as a person. In the early 70's you were selected by Howard Hiatt to Chair the Intern Selection Committee, and you asked me to join the committee. In your role I quickly understood your commitment to equality and equal opportunity -- you wore your compassion on your sleeve. You rightfully noted that one of our missions is to provide training for all individuals who would benefit from a BI training and exposure to our inclusive hospital environment. You led the charge to recruit minority and disadvantaged applicants, setting a moral compass for all to follow. Your success in achieving this goal was noted by all -- as our minority house staff grew and flourished here. ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR LEADERSHIP. You lifted all of us to a higher level, always employing the Marine mantra of "follow me". And follow you we did. As is typical of you, you were a man ahead of his time. You led the charge that the BI would be a warm community for all. I tip my head and my heart to a cherished friend. Thank you be being a leading light for me.