Warner Slack was a very close and good friend. He was one of fewer than 15 full time faculty in medicine assembled by Howard Hiatt at the former Beth Israel Hospital in the late 1960s, and he interviewed me when I was applying to lead the new primary care efforts. Always a twinkle in his eye, ready to argue any point, focused, but also a fine listener and (to a degree) willing to compromise! He and his long-term colleague, Howard Bleich, bridled at what they perceived as injustice, and that included the way medicine chose its trainees; their studies were early in pointing out that we'd probably do just as well with a lottery. Warner was a great supporter of OpenNotes and our new adventure with patients and clinicians co-generating medical notes. This is a big loss to the field and to many, many friends...
Warner Slack was a very close and good friend. He was one of fewer than 15 full time faculty in medicine assembled by Howard Hiatt at the former Beth Israel Hospital in the late 1960s, and he interviewed me when I was applying to lead the new primary care efforts. Always a twinkle in his eye, ready to argue any point, focused, but also a fine listener and (to a degree) willing to compromise! He and his long-term colleague, Howard Bleich, bridled at what they perceived as injustice, and that included the way medicine chose its trainees; their studies were early in pointing out that we'd probably do just as well with a lottery. Warner was a great supporter of OpenNotes and our new adventure with patients and clinicians co-generating medical notes. This is a big loss to the field and to many, many friends...