Warner, The world is filled with dedicated health care IT professionals, you have taught, guided, and inspired. As we are perched on the precipice of HIT truly changing the way all the world delivers care, we need your knowledge, kindness, and inspiration more than ever. There are so many who have never met you yet know your name and speak it with reverence. Get well soon and continue our journey, that you very much started, to make the world a better place. Barry
Warner, The world is filled with dedicated health care IT professionals, you have taught, guided, and inspired. As we are perched on the precipice of HIT truly changing the way all the world delivers care, we need your knowledge, kindness, and inspiration more than ever. There are so many who have never met you yet know your name and speak it with reverence. Get well soon and continue our journey, that you very much started, to make the world a better place. Barry