Dear Warner, Nobody can bring a Slack down. I've sent a bunch of messages to your home over the last few weeks. Jan and I are waiting to see you again. You and I will take a ride in the big blue truck. How about a little Omar Khayyam? Come fill the cup and in the fire of Spring, the winter garment of repentance fling : Time flies and the bird is on the wing. We'll all be getting together soon.
Dear Warner, Nobody can bring a Slack down. I've sent a bunch of messages to your home over the last few weeks. Jan and I are waiting to see you again. You and I will take a ride in the big blue truck. How about a little Omar Khayyam? Come fill the cup and in the fire of Spring, the winter garment of repentance fling : Time flies and the bird is on the wing. We'll all be getting together soon.