The handheld calculator.. MD Comput. 8(1):8-10.
1991. The human genome.. MD Comput. 8(3):136-8.
1991. Barriers to clinical computing in american hospitals.. Procs. MEDINFO. 92:178–181.
1992. Barriers to clinical computing: what physicians can do.. MD Comput. 9(5):278-80.
1992. Computer-based interview for screening blood donors for risk of HIV transmission.. JAMA. 268(10):1301-5.
1992. Designing a hospital information system: a comparison of interfaced and integrated systems.. MD Comput. 9(5):293-6.
1992. The forces of bureaucracy.. MD Comput. 9(3):133-5.
1992. In memoriam: Dr. Douglass Porter.. MD Computing. 8(5):270.
1992. Magnetic disk technology.. MD Comput. 9(2):74-5.
1992. A new year a new volume.. MD Computing. 9(4):197.
1992. Twenty issues later: a progress report and a call for attribution.. MD Computing. 9(4):197.
1992. When the machine stops.. MD Comput. 9(1):6,8,10.
1992. Assessing the clinician's use of computers.. MD Comput. 10(6):357-60.
1993. Be well!: a computer-based health care interview for hospital personnel.. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. :12-6.
1993. An electronic medical record that helps care for patients with HIV infection.. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. :224-8.
1993. An interactive dietary interview for hospital employees.. MD Comput. 10(4):216-24.
1993. The "md" in md computing.. MD Computing. 10(4):205.
1993. Screening blood donors by computer interview.. JAMA. 269(12):1505-6.
1993. Trends in journalism.. MD Comput. 10(2):69.
1993. Use of electronic mail in a teaching hospital.. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. :306-10.
1993. On walking in America.. MD Comput. 10(5):285.
1993. Effect of computer-based alerts on the treatment and outcomes of hospitalized patients.. Arch Intern Med. 154(13):1511-7.
1994. Trends in computer application in medical care.. MD Computing. 11(3):155-159.
1994. Trends in health policy: heading home.. MD Comput. 11(6):341-2.
1994. A trip down under.. MD Comput. 11(5):272-8.